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Run Minder

Follow the steps in the Installing a Development version guide.

The application will be available on https://localhost:8080 and gRPC on https://localhost:8090.

Run the tests

make test


The CLI is available in the cmd/cli directory. You can also use the pre-built minder CLI with your new application; you'll need to set the --grpc-host localhost --grpc-port 8090 arguments in either case.

go run cmd/cli/main.go --help


The APIs are defined in protobuf here.

An OpenAPI / swagger spec is generated to here

It can be accessed over gRPC or HTTP using gprc-gateway.

How to generate protobuf stubs

We use buf to generate the gRPC / HTTP stubs (both protobuf and openAPI).

To build the stubs, run:

make clean-gen
make gen

Database migrations and tooling

Minder uses sqlc to generate Go code from SQL.

The main configuration file is sqlc.yaml.

To make changes to the database schema, create a new migration file in the database/migrations directory.

Add any queries to the database/queries/sqlc.sql file.

To generate the Go code, run:

make sqlc

Users will then need to perform a migration

make migrateup
make migratedown

Viper configuration

Minder uses viper for configuration.

An example CLI configuration file is config/config.yaml.example.

An example server configuration file is config/server-config.yaml.example.

Most values should be quite self-explanatory.

Before running the app, please copy the content of config/config.yaml.example into $PWD/config.yaml file, and config/server-config.yaml.example into $PWD/server-config.yaml file, and modify to use your own settings.