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Clone the repository

git clone

Build the application

make build

Install tools

You may bootstrap the whole development environment, which includes initializing the config.yaml and server-config.yaml files with:

make bootstrap

This also installs the required tools for running different make targets.

Note that if you intend to run minder outside docker compose, you should change the Keycloak and OpenFGA URLs in server-config.yaml to refer to localhost instead of the docker-compose.yaml names. There are comments inside the config file which explain what needs to be changed.

Start dependencies

Note that the application requires a database to be running. This can be achieved using docker compose:

services="postgres keycloak migrate openfga" make run-docker

Set up a Keycloak user

You have two options here: setting up a GitHub app (possibly the same one you use for Minder enrollment), or using username / password.

Username / password Keycloak user

Assuming that you've run make run-docker, you can run:

make password-login

to create a testuser Keycloak user with the password tester. (You can create more users either through the KeyCloak UI or by modifying the command in ./mk/ This is purely intended as a convenience method, and is fairly fragile.

GitHub App

Create an OAuth2 application for GitHub. Select New OAuth App and fill in the details.

Create a new client secret for your OAuth2 client.

Using the client ID and client secret you created above, enable GitHub login on Keycloak by running the following command:

make KC_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<client_id> KC_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=<client_secret> github-login

Run the application

Then run the application

bin/minder-server serve

Or direct from source

go run cmd/server/main.go serve

The application will be available on https://localhost:8080 and gRPC on https://localhost:8090.

Run the tests

make test


The CLI is available in the cmd/cli directory. You can also use the pre-built minder CLI with your new application; you'll need to set the --grpc-host localhost --grpc-port 8090 arguments in either case.

go run cmd/cli/main.go --help


The APIs are defined in protobuf here.

An OpenAPI / swagger spec is generated to here

It can be accessed over gRPC or HTTP using gprc-gateway.

How to generate protobuf stubs

We use buf to generate the gRPC / HTTP stubs (both protobuf and openAPI).

To build the stubs, run:

make clean-gen
make gen

Database migrations and tooling

Minder uses sqlc to generate Go code from SQL.

The main configuration file is sqlc.yaml.

To make changes to the database schema, create a new migration file in the database/migrations directory.

Add any queries to the database/queries/sqlc.sql file.

To generate the Go code, run:

make sqlc

Users will then need to peform a migration

make migrateup
make migratedown

Viper configuration

Minder uses viper for configuration.

An example CLI configuration file is config/config.yaml.example.

An example server configuration file is config/server-config.yaml.example.

Most values should be quite self-explanatory.

Before running the app, please copy the content of config/config.yaml.example into $PWD/config.yaml file, and config/server-config.yaml.example into $PWD/server-config.yaml file, and modify to use your own settings.