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Installing the Minder CLI

Minder consists of two components: a server-side application, and the minder CLI application for interacting with the server. Minder is built for amd64 and arm64 architectures on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

You can install minder using one of the following methods:

MacOS (Homebrew)

The easiest way to install minder is through Homebrew:

brew install stacklok/tap/minder

Alternatively, you can download a .tar.gz release and unpack it with the following:

tar -xzf minder_${RELEASE}_darwin_${ARCH}.tar.gz minder
xattr -d minder

Windows (Winget)

For Windows, the built-in winget tool is the simplest way to install minder:

winget install stacklok.minder

Alternatively, you can download a zipfile containing the minder CLI and install the binary yourself.


We provide pre-built static binaries for Linux at:

Building from source

You can also build the minder CLI from source using go install, or by following the build instructions in the repository.