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Quickstart with Minder (< 1 min)

Minder provides a straightforward "quickstart" functionality that will create your first profile in Minder which ensures that GitHub secret scanning is enabled, and lets you select the GitHub repositories that you want this profile to apply to.

The quickstart lets you get started with Minder, ensuring that secret scanning is enabled for your repositories in seconds.


Before you can run the quickstart command, you must log in to Minder using the CLI.


Now that you have installed the Minder CLI and have logged in to your Minder server, you can start using Minder!

Minder's quickstart command will simplify getting started managing GitHub repositories. It will perform three steps to help you get started:

To get started, run:

minder quickstart

Enrolling the GitHub provider

This first step configures GitHub and produces an authentication token that allows Minder to inspect and manage your repository configuration. You will be prompted to grant Minder access.

Registering repositories

This step allows you to select the repositories that you want Minder to manage. Every repository that you select will be scanned according to the profile that quickstart will set up (next). This profile will ensure that secret scanning is enabled for these repositories.

Create the secret_scanning rule type

This step will upload the secret_scanning rule type to the server.

A rule type is a definition of an individual security setting and how to evaluate it; for example, the secret_scanning rule type contains the logic to query GitHub and evaluate whether secret scanning is enabled for an individual repository.

Minder allows you to build custom rule types, or use one of our pre-defined rule types. But in either case, these rules must be uploaded to the Minder server before you can use them.

Create the quickstart profile

This step will create a profile named quickstart-profile that contains the secret_scanning rule type.

A security profile is a definition of the rule types that you want to apply to your repositories. The quickstart command will create a profile with a single rule type, the secret_scanning rule type that it uploads. Once this has been created, Minder will scan all the repositories that you selected in step two to ensure that secret scanning is enabled for each of them.

Congratulations! 🎉 You've now successfully created your first profile!

See the status of your profile

To see the status of your profile, run:

minder profile status list --name quickstart-profile --detailed

This command shows you the overall status of your profile, and how each rule evaluates for each of your registered repositories.

You should see an entry for each repository that you registered. If the repository has secret scanning enabled, you should see a status of "Success"; if the repository does not have secret scanning enabled, you should see a status of "Failure".

What's next?

There's a lot more to Minder than just secret scanning!

Now that you have everything set up, you can continue to run minder commands against the public instance of Minder where you can manage your registered repositories, create profiles, rules and much more, so you can ensure your repositories are configured consistently and securely.

In case there's something you don't find there yet, Minder is designed to be extensible. This allows for users to create their own custom rule types and profiles and ensure the specifics of their security posture are attested to.

More information

For more information about minder, see:

  • minder CLI commands - Docs.
  • minder REST API Documentation - Docs.
  • minder rules and profiles maintained by Minder's team - GitHub.
  • Minder documentation - Docs.