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minder config

minder config

How to manage minder CLI configuration


In addition to the command-line flags, many minder options can be set via a configuration file in the YAML format.

Configuration options include:

  • provider
  • project
  • output
  • grpc_server.port
  • grpc_server.insecure
  • identity.cli.issuer_url
  • identity.cli.client_id

By default, we look for the file as $PWD/config.yaml and $XDG_CONFIG_PATH/minder/config.yaml. You can specify a custom path via the --config flag, or by setting the MINDER_CONFIG environment variable.


  -h, --help   help for config

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string            Config file (default is $PWD/config.yaml)
--grpc-host string Server host (default "")
--grpc-insecure Allow establishing insecure connections
--grpc-port int Server port (default 443)
--identity-client string Identity server client ID (default "minder-cli")
--identity-url string Identity server issuer URL (default "")


  • minder - Minder controls the hosted minder service