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minder history list

minder history list

List history


The history list subcommand lets you list history within Minder.

minder history list [flags]


      --alert-status strings         Filter evaluation history list by alert status - one of off, on, error, skipped, not_available
-c, --cursor string Fetch previous or next page from the list
--entity-name strings Filter evaluation history list by entity name
--entity-type strings Filter evaluation history list by entity type - one of repository, artifact, pull_request
--eval-status strings Filter evaluation history list by evaluation status - one of pending, failure, error, success, skipped
--from string Filter evaluation history list by time
-h, --help help for list
--profile-name strings Filter evaluation history list by profile name
--remediation-status strings Filter evaluation history list by remediation status - one of failure, failure, error, success, skipped, not_available
-s, --size uint Change the number of items fetched (default 25)
--to string Filter evaluation history list by time

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string            Config file (default is $PWD/config.yaml)
--grpc-host string Server host (default "")
--grpc-insecure Allow establishing insecure connections
--grpc-port int Server port (default 443)
--identity-client string Identity server client ID (default "minder-cli")
--identity-url string Identity server issuer URL (default "")
-o, --output string Output format (one of json,yaml,table) (default "table")
-j, --project string ID of the project
-v, --verbose Output additional messages to STDERR